2024 Graduation Awards

Graduation awards celebrate excellence in the works of graduating students. Each year, awards are available to students based on works presented on the Virtual Exhibition, as well as GPA or a combination of other criteria.

This year, the Media Arts Jury will meet on May 2nd, the Visual Arts Jury on May 7th, and the Design Jury on May 8th.

Applications are now closed.

Thank you to everyone who applied, and congratulations to the Class of 2024!


Students exhibiting works on The Show Graduation Exhibition website will be eligible to receive awards in an unbiased manner by calling upon diverse juries of professionals and practitioners, such as artists, designers, filmmakers, animators, and curators. In coordination with the Advancement office, juries will review students’ works on The Show 2024 website as well as any additional materials, selecting works that best represent the criteria established for each award.


April 10 - Website live; students may begin applying for awards

April 29 - The application deadline is midnight for Design + Visual Art Applications.

May 2 - PMA jury meets to determine award recipients.

May 7 + 8 - Design and Visual Arts juries will meet these days to determine award recipients.

Note: There are some awards that do not require applications. You will automatically be considered should you qualify.

Please contact advancement@ecuad.ca if you have any questions about graduation awards or if you need help in completing your application. We are here to help.

Design Graduation Awards Jury
Media Awards Jury
Visual Arts Graduation Awards Jury

Thank you to our donors who create opportunities for students by creating and funding graduation awards!